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    • SEPTEMBER 1, 2021
    • 9
    How to keep your teeth clean with braces

    How to keep your teeth clean with braces

    So you have braces! Congratulations – you’re on your way to straighter teeth and a better smile. But keeping your teeth clean when you have braces can feel like a challenge at first. In this post, we’ll go through some of the things to consider. Brushing Brushing with braces poses a unique challenge. Braces can

    • AUGUST 1, 2021
    • 9
    How to choose the right toothbrush

    How to choose the right toothbrush

    In more recent years, choosing a toothbrush has become a bit of a minefield. With so much choice available, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed! But don’t worry. To help you decide which is the best toothbrush for you, we’ve come up with this simple guide. Read on! Manual or Electric? The first choice to make

    • JULY 1, 2021
    • 13
    How to cure bad breath

    How to cure bad breath

    Everyone has bad breath at some point. The good news is that it can be fixed. Read on to find out what could be causing your bad breath and take the first step towards getting rid of it! Causes of bad breath The first step to curing bad breath is to figure out what’s causing

    • JUNE 1, 2021
    • 119
    Dry mouth: symptoms, causes and treatment

    Dry mouth: symptoms, causes and treatment

    Dry mouth is a common problem in the UK. It’s rarely anything serious, but it can increase your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. This blog post will discuss dry mouth and its symptoms, causes, and treatment. What is dry mouth? Dry mouth (also known as ‘xerostomia’) is a condition where the salivary gland

    • MAY 1, 2021
    • 26
    Common dental problems during pregnancy

    Common dental problems during pregnancy

    Pregnancy affects all of your body, including your teeth. Pregnancy can make it more likely that you’ll get gum disease or tooth decay. Keep reading to find out the dental problems women often get during pregnancy and how to avoid them. Dental problems you might experience during pregnancy Pregnancy can cause a lot of changes

    • APRIL 1, 2021
    • 9
    Ten tips for healthier teeth

    Ten tips for healthier teeth

    It’s important to take care of your teeth. If you look after your teeth, they can last a lifetime. But if you don’t, then a dentist might be fitting you for dentures at some point in the not-too-distant future. In this month’s post, we’ll give you ten tips on how to take care of your

    • MARCH 1, 2021
    • 17
    5 tips to help teenagers avoid tooth decay

    5 tips to help teenagers avoid tooth decay

    Teenagers: it’s hard being one and it’s hard being the parent of one. Yes, the teenage years can be tough. There’s puberty, mood swings, peer pressure and exams to deal with for a start, as well as something else you wouldn’t normally think of: tooth decay. Tooth decay is a very common problem in teenagers.

    • FEBRUARY 1, 2021
    • 142
    Diabetes and gum disease

    Diabetes and gum disease

    Diabetes is a disease where blood sugar levels are too high. When blood sugar levels go out of control, it can cause a wide range of problems. Almost 4 million people in the UK have diabetes and 700 new people a day are diagnosed with it. That’s about one person every two minutes. Diabetes often

    • JANUARY 1, 2021
    • 13
    Is tea bad for your teeth?

    Is tea bad for your teeth?

    Everyone loves a good cuppa. In fact, tea is the second most frequently consumed beverage in the UK. Only water is more popular. But with all the tea we drink, should we be worried about whether it affects our teeth? In this post, we’ll answer this question. Ways that tea is bad for your teeth

    • DECEMBER 1, 2020
    • 17
    How to protect your teeth at Christmas

    How to protect your teeth at Christmas

    Christmas is a time for being with your family and friends, relaxing from work, and watching old repeats on the TV that probably should have stopped being shown years ago. But it’s also the time when people eat foods high in sugar, such as mince pies, Christmas pudding, gingerbread men, chocolate yule logs, selection boxes,