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    • NOVEMBER 1, 2017
    • 257
    Do our toothbrushes harbour bacteria?

    Do our toothbrushes harbour bacteria?

    Toothbrushes. We use them every day and we rarely give them a second thought. But should we be paying closer attention to them? According to several studies, toothbrushes can harbour bacteria that can cause disease.   Back to the past The first mass-produced toothbrush was produced in 1780 by a man called William Addis. These

    • OCTOBER 6, 2017
    • 5
    What causes the tongue to change colour?

    What causes the tongue to change colour?

    We use our tongues constantly: to talk, to swallow, and to eat. So it can be frustrating when your tongue doesn’t work as it should. Common tongue problems include soreness, pain and discolouration. There are a number of causes for tongue discolouration, but fortunately, most can be solved fairly easily. Read on to learn more.

    • SEPTEMBER 4, 2017
    • 30
    Why do we give children so much sugar, and what can we do about it?

    Why do we give children so much sugar, and what can we do about it?

    Why do we give children so much sugar? Biscuits, cake, pocket money spent on sweets, more sweets given by relatives, goody bags and cake at birthday parties, and chocolate at Easter, Halloween, and Christmas. Children should get no more than 11 per cent of their calories from added sugar, yet according to a survey by

    • AUGUST 7, 2017
    • 4
    Eight uses for an old toothbrush

    Eight uses for an old toothbrush

    How often do you change your toothbrush? For a lot of people, the answer is ‘not often enough’. Toothbrushes have quite a short lifespan of just three to four months, after which they become too worn out and frayed to clean teeth properly. That’s why dentists recommend replacing your toothbrush every three to four months.

    • JULY 3, 2017
    • 25
    Dental Care After Pregnancy

    Dental Care After Pregnancy

    If you’re a pregnant woman or a father-to-be, then you probably already know the importance of a woman’s dental care during pregnancy. But what about after pregnancy? Good dental care shouldn’t stop after giving birth. We know that new babies can be very demanding. There will be days when you find yourself covered in baby

    • JUNE 12, 2017
    • 4
    Are you hiding a missing tooth?

    Are you hiding a missing tooth?

    Missing teeth can be literally no laughing matter, since the gaps in your smile can make you too self-conscious to smile or laugh. We’ve even known people who have declined social events due to their missing teeth. If a missing tooth has shattered your confidence, then worry no more: it’s relatively easy nowadays to replace

    • MAY 3, 2017
    • 8
    What to Expect During Root Canal Treatment

    What to Expect During Root Canal Treatment

    Of all the dental procedures out there, perhaps the most feared is the root canal. This is because people often imagine it as an extremely painful procedure, even akin to medieval torture! It’s true that root canals were painful in the past, but fortunately today, modern root canal treatment are virtually painless thanks to anaesthesia.

    • MARCH 22, 2017
    • 12
    How to Plan Your Perfect Wedding Day Smile

    How to Plan Your Perfect Wedding Day Smile

    Summer is just around the corner, which means the wedding season is almost upon us! If you’re getting married this year, then you might be worried about the appearance of your teeth. After all, no-one wants yellow or crooked teeth on their wedding day. But have no fear: in this post, we’ll explain exactly what

    • JANUARY 30, 2017
    • 14
    Six ways alcohol abstinence could improve your oral health

    Six ways alcohol abstinence could improve your oral health

    Have you been abstaining from alcohol this January? As part of a recent custom known as ‘Dry January’, thousands of Britons have taken part in a month-long abstinence of alcohol. This is great for the health of their livers, but it’s also great for their oral hygiene too. Here’s six ways alcohol abstinence improves oral

    • JANUARY 4, 2017
    • 4

    Evening and Weekend Appointments Now Available

    Evening and weekend appointments now available at Willows Dentistry Due to the increased demand for additional appointments we are now offering more evening and weekend appointments for a limited time. These appointments are for both routine and emergency dental treatment. Call us on 01432 274749 for more details or email