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    • NOVEMBER 1, 2020
    • 16
    What is plaque and how can I get rid of it?

    What is plaque and how can I get rid of it?

    Plaque is a problem that we’ve all had at one time or another. The first time we get plaque is usually during childhood. Most of us will have a childhood memory of the dentist telling us to brush our teeth better. But what is plaque exactly? And what does it do to our teeth? In

    • SEPTEMBER 1, 2020
    • 41
    Six snacks that are actually good for your teeth

    Six snacks that are actually good for your teeth

    When you’re feeling peckish, it’s tempting to reach for a biscuit or chocolate. We all have a craving for chocolate from time time, after all. But the problem with snacks like cake and biscuits is that they can cause cavities in your teeth. It’s much better to eat a snack that’s good for your teeth

    • SEPTEMBER 1, 2020
    • 204
    Everything you need to know about oral thrush

    Everything you need to know about oral thrush

    Has this ever happened to you? You wake up one morning, look in your mouth and you notice white patches on your tongue that weren’t there before. What could it be? Chances are it’s something called “oral thrush”. But what is oral thrush? And is it dangerous? Don’t worry, because, in this blog post, we’ll

    • AUGUST 1, 2020
    • 10
    Are energy drinks bad for your teeth?

    Are energy drinks bad for your teeth?

    Energy drinks are popular among athletes as well as the general public. It’s estimated that 3.8 million people in the UK use Red Bull, while 3.4 million use Lucozade Energy and 3 million use Lucozade sport. Energy drinks like Red Bull and Lucozade are designed to give you a boost in energy. They do this

    • JULY 1, 2020
    • 29
    4 dental issues related to aging

    4 dental issues related to aging

    It’s a fact that we’re all getting older. And as you get older, you can expect some wear and tear. This goes for your teeth and gums as well as the rest of your body. In this post, we’ll look at some of the oral health problems you might experience as you get older, including

    • JUNE 1, 2020
    • 12
    Common brushing mistakes

    Common brushing mistakes

    You might think you know how to brush your teeth correctly. After all, if you’ve been brushing your teeth twice a day for almost all your life, then you’ve had a lot of practice by now. However, it’s surprisingly easy to make mistakes when brushing. For that reason, we’ve compiled a list of the most

    • MAY 1, 2020
    • 29
    Is vaping bad for your oral health?

    Is vaping bad for your oral health?

    Vaping has become popular in recent years, with many people switching from cigarettes to vaping instead. However, how vaping affect your oral health? This post, we will examine the most recent scientific research to try to answer this question. What effect does vaping have on your oral health? Because vaping is such a new trend,

    • APRIL 1, 2020
    • 11
    Teeth grinding in children

    Teeth grinding in children

    It can be alarming to discover that your child is grinding his or her teeth at night. Parents usually first discover the problem from the sound of grinding coming from their child’s room. However, is teeth grinding in chidren something you should be worried about? In this post, we’ll answer this question, and we’ll also

    • MARCH 1, 2020
    • 3
    What are dental bridges?

    What are dental bridges?

    There’s no need to suffer from missing teeth. Today, there are several ways to replace a missing tooth, including dentures, implants and bridges. Dental implants are usually the first choice to replace missing teeth. This is because they have a few advantages, such as the ability to stop the jaw bone from shrinking. However, in

    • FEBRUARY 1, 2020
    • 16
    Causes of toothache

    Causes of toothache

    Toothache is an annoying problem that can make day-to-day life unpleasant. It’s difficult to focus on work when you have a toothache, and it can even be debilitating in some cases. However, not all tooth pain is the same. There are lots of different kinds of tooth pain, each with its causes and symptoms. In