Causes of toothache

Toothache is an annoying problem that can make day-to-day life unpleasant. It’s difficult to focus on work when you have a toothache, and it can even be debilitating in some cases.

However, not all tooth pain is the same. There are lots of different kinds of tooth pain, each with its causes and symptoms.

In this post, we’ll go over the most common causes of tooth pain, as well as how you can recognize and treat them.

Acute tooth pain

The first type of tooth pain is acute pain. This pain only lasts for a second or two, and usually happens while when you bite down on something.

Acute tooth pain has several causes. It could be tooth decay, loose fillings, or even a cracked tooth.

It’s important to see a dentist if you’re experiencing acute tooth pain. Your dentist will identify the source of the problem and will give you the appropriate treatment.

Do see the dentist as soon as possible. Don’t put it off, as the pain will probably only get worse.

Chronic tooth pain

If your tooth pain seems to linger for long periods, then there are several possible causes. It could be plaque, gum disease, an abscess (an area of infection and inflammation), or even pulp decay.

In the case of pulp decay, the treatment is usually a root canal. With this procedure, the dentist drills a hole into the pulp and cleans out the infected tissue. Then, the dentist fills the space with a special filling and sealant. Afterwards, the dentist will put a crown on a tooth to protect it from further infection.

Sensitive teeth

Another common causes of tooth pain is sensitive teeth.

You can tell you have sensitive teeth because they will often hurt when you eat or drink something hot or cold, like tea or ice cream. The pain may also occur during or after brushing.

Fortunately, however, sensitive teeth usually don’t hurt that much. Also, there are easy ways to treat this problem.

  • Make sure you’re not brushing your teeth too hard. Only brush with small gentle circles; don’t scrub them aggressively. It’s also a good idea to buy soft toothbrush as this will be kinder to your teeth.
  • Check if you have plaque or gum disease. It’s quite hard to do this to yourself so it’s best to visit a dentist instead.
  • Remember to brush your teeth and gums twice a day to prevent plaque and gum disease.


There are many different kinds of tooth pain. The symptoms range from dull to sharp and momentary to lingering.

The best way to determine the cause of your tooth pain is to see a dentist. And the sooner the better; it’s best to nip the pain in the bud, or else it could get worse.

So if you have tooth pain, then don’t wait to see if it gets better on its own. Book an appointment with a dentist right away!

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