How to brush your teeth

As you know, brushing is important because it helps remove plaque and bacteria that continually form on teeth and around the gumline. If not removed regularly, plaque can lead to cavities, tooth decay, and even periodontal disease.

We all know we need to brush our teeth. We learn how to do it as children and then it becomes part of our daily routine that we do on autopilot.

But are you still using a good technique? In this post, we’ll go over the best technique for brushing your teeth.

Steps to brush your teeth

To get the most out of your brushing, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Outer Surfaces. Slowly and gently brush your upper and then your lower teeth. Going tooth by tooth can help you slow down and make sure you do not miss any teeth out.
  • Step 2: The Gum Line. Try to tilt your brush to a 45-degree angle. Brush gently along the gum line to remove any trapped food debris. Gently move the brush back and forth using short strokes.
  • Step 3: Inner Surfaces. If we are in a rush, the inner surfaces are tempting to skip because they cannot be seen but remember these are just as vulnerable to plaque. Brush back and forth to clean the inside surfaces of the teeth and give these just as much attention as you do the outer surfaces.
  • Step 4: Flat Surfaces. Now use short back and forth strokes to brush the tops of your back teeth, where food can easily get trapped.
  • Step 5: Tongue. For fresher breath, don’t forget your tongue! Brush your tongue gently with your brush to remove any odour-causing bacteria.

Extra Advice

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time. Set a stopwatch or timer to make sure you’re giving your teeth enough attention. You can now buy electric toothbrushes that will alert you to when you have been brushing for two minutes.
  2. For most people, a soft-bristled brush with a small head to reach all areas of the mouth is recommended.
  3. There is no added benefit to your oral health with either using an electric or manual toothbrush. A manual toothbrush works well if you time yourself and don’t apply too much pressure, whereas an electric toothbrush is a good option for those with difficulty brushing or limited manual dexterity.
  4. There are many different kinds of toothpaste available, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference.
  5. You can overbrush your teeth, so make sure you are only using a gentle touch when using your toothbrush. Too furious brushing can cause abrasion and sensitivity.
  6. Ideally replace your toothbrush or electric toothbrush head when it begins to show wear, or every three months, whichever comes first. Also, it is wise to change your toothbrush after any illness to help avoid reinfection.

Tooth decay and disease are a pain in all senses of the word! By keeping on top of your brushing and dental hygiene, you give yourself the best chance at maintaining a healthy and happy smile.

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