When you have braces, you’ll need to be careful about what you eat. This is because certain foods can damage your braces.

While most damage to braces is not serious, it can sometimes require an emergency visit to the orthodontist to get it repaired. Furthermore, when your braces break, they no longer work as well. This is why it’s important to try to not to damage your braces.

In this blog post, we’ll explain in detail what foods you should avoid when you have braces. By following the tips in this post, you can help to keep your teeth and your braces in good shape.

Hard foods

Hards foods can potentially break your braces by causing the wires to snap. That’s why it’s best to limit the hard foods you eat, or at least to be careful when you eat them.

Hard foods to watch out for include:

  • Hard sweets, such as boiled sweets
  • Raw carrots
  • Raw apples
  • Nuts
  • Popcorn (particularly unpopped corn kernels)

You don’t have to avoid these foods altogether but you do need to be careful when eating them. Try cutting hard foods into small pieces before you eat them, as this can really help to avoid problems. For example, you can cut an apple into slices to make it much easier to eat.

Sticky Foods

Sticky foods are another type of problematic food for people who have braces. This is because sticky foods can easily get stuck in braces, and when you try to get the food out, your braces might break. That’s why it’s best to avoid sticky foods until you get your braces taken off.

Sticky foods to watch out for include:

  • Caramel
  • Peanut butter
  • Dried fruit
  • Sticky sweets
  • Chewing gum
  • Chewy foods

Chewy foods

Another type of food to avoid when you have braces is chewy foods. These include foods such as liquorice, bagels, and hard rolls. Eating kinds of foods is a bad idea when you have braces as they can potentially damage your brackets.

Chewy foods include:

  • Chewy sweets, such as liquorice
  • Chewy bread, such as bagels and hard rolls

Sugary Foods

Everyone knows that sugar is bad for your teeth. That’s why it’s important to minimise your sugar intake as much as possible – and even more so when you have braces. Sugary foods can easily get stuck in braces, where they can easily cause plaque and other problems. So do try to limit your sugar intake if you have braces. Also, remember to brush your teeth carefully at least twice a day, especially after eating sugary foods.

Sugary foods include:

  • Sweets
  • Cake
  • Biscuits
  • Ice-cream


There are many foods that you need to be careful with when you have braces. However this doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t eat them. As long as you’re careful, you can still enjoy a wide and varied diet while wearing braces.

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