Bad breath – what causes it and how to treat it

Bad breath is an embarrassing problem but the good news is that once you’ve discovered the cause, you can start to treat it. In this post, we’ll go over the causes of bad breath to help you identify what’s causing yours.

What causes bad breath?

The main cause of bad breath is a build-up of bacteria in your mouth. This can happen in several ways, including:

  • Failing to brush your teeth properly, especially around the gum line.
  • Dry mouth, which is a condition where your mouth is chronically dry. This can cause bad breath because there’s not enough saliva to kill the bad bacteria in your mouth and wash away food particles. The bacteria and leftover food can cause an unpleasant smell in your mouth.

Other causes of bad breath include:

  • Smoking. It’s a well-known fact that cigarettes can cause an unpleasant smell known as smoker’s breath. If you smoke, then quit!
  • Certain foods. Foods such as garlic and onions can temporarily cause bad breath. The smell goes away quite quickly however, once the body has processed the food.
  • Medical conditions. Rarely, bad breath can be a sign of a more serious underlying medical condition such as diabetes. So if your bad breath remains persistent then it’s worthwhile to see a doctor to rule out a medical cause.

How to treat bad breath

To treat your bad breath, the first thing you should try is improving your dental hygiene routine. This is because bad breath is usually caused by a lack of sufficient brushing and flossing. Make sure therefore to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes a time, and to floss once a day as well. It’s also of benefit to brush your tongue twice a day too, as this is where the bacteria that cause bad breath are often found.

If you still don’t your bad breath under control, try these other remedies:

  • Mouthwash. Try using a mouthwash once or twice a day to freshen your breath. Mouthwashes contain compounds that not only kill bacteria but also neutralise bad odours too.
  • Antimicrobial rinse. If you’re still struggling to get the bacteria in your mouth under control, your dentist can provide you with an antimicrobial rinse to help keep the bacteria at bay.
  • Drink water. Water is a fantastic drink for your oral hygiene because it’s sugarless, odourless and pH neutral. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.
  • Limit your coffee and alcohol intake. Reduce your coffee and alcohol intake as they are known to cause bad breath.
  • Chew gum. Chewing gum is a good way to freshen your breath. Not only does it mask bad smells, but it also stimulates saliva production, which helps your mouth to fight bacteria. Make sure the chewing gum is sugar-free though so that you don’t do more harm than good!
  • See a doctor. If you have chronic bad breath that you can’t get under control, then you should go see a doctor. This is because bad breath can be a sign of a range of underlying conditions, including infection, diabetes, liver problems and kidney problems. The good news is that these problems are relatively rare, but it still pays to go and check to be sure.


Bad breath is an embarrassing problem but you don’t have to suffer through it. By identifying the cause of your bad breath, you can begin to take the steps to get the problem under control. In most cases, this means following a proper oral hygiene routine that includes flossing once a day and brushing twice a day.

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