• Just how much sugar are we consuming each day?

    Just how much sugar are we consuming each day?

    Sugar occurs naturally in foods like fruits, honey and milk, but it’s also added to foods like chocolate, ready meals and soft drinks. For example, a can of coke contains about 33g of added sugar. It’s this so-called ‘added sugar’ we should avoid, according to the World Health Organisation, because it harms our teeth and

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  • Does an apple a day keep the dentist away?

    Does an apple a day keep the dentist away?

    The saying goes that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. But can apples keep dentists away too? Back in the day a lot of people believed they could. The belief was that an apple is good for your teeth, especially after a meal. This could be because apples are so crunchy and chewy,

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  • 5 ways to look after your teeth

    Our teeth are so susceptible to long-term damage that they require more care than any other part of the body. Here are five basic ways to ensure your teeth stay healthy. Brushing Brushing is fundamental for keeping your teeth clean. Brushing removes plaque, which is a film of bacteria that causes gum disease and tooth

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